I heard many people complain today about the fact that it was the 3th, and a Friday. Most of the people I talked to today cursed this day. For me it was just another day, but with pinch of surprise.

I got to work early morning, 6:45am (some of you may already know that I'm not fun in the morning, I'm sleepy, quiet, and easily annoyed), and to my surprise, one of my coworkers (Cristi) got me into a really good mood by joking, singing, and trying to dance with me. Very soon I found out the reason behind his craziness that early in the morning - the computers crashed at 3 am, so he didn't have to work after that. The computers were still down, so I had a lot of time on my hands too.
1st thought of the day: we got to the point where we depend way too much on computers: no one could get gas in their cars, buy their so much "needed" coffee or cigarettes, or have breakfast because e could not cash in anything!

The computers were down till 1 pm, so we just chilled at work... nothing fun... except for one event that made our manager way angry, and us... well, we had a good laugh. The parking lot was empty, no cars around but this one guy in a Dacie, he backed out straight into the gas pump!!! Even I could have driven better (I don't drive!)
Then, when we started "functioning" again, the lottery machine stopped working, and unlike other day, I actually had three people want to play the lottery!
Another guy couldn't withdraw the money his wife sent him from Bucharest because the clerk in Buc mixed up the sender with the receiver!!! :))

I was so happy to get out of there! At 3 pm, I clocked out, and went cross the street at Kaufland to do some shopping. Right outside, by the entrance, was a very old woman selling flowers and begging for money. I bought some flowers from her, although I didn't want them. So on the way home, I thought of what I would do with the flowers...then this idea came to me: ive them to people on the street. I undid the duck tape they were wrapped in, and started anding tem out to older people. I would smile big, say hello, offer them a flower, and wish them a nice day. Here are some reactions: 6 accepted, 3 rejected... The good ones first: women with frowns on their foreheads would smile, put a smile on their faces, and thank me, and wish m a lot of things (to be healthy, be loved...). The bad ones... they would frown and yell a NO at me, and I'd keep smiling, wish them a nice day, and walk away.

On the way home, I saw a very old man trying to carry a heavy bag home. He stopped, and tried to rest a little. I offered to help him, but he stubbornly refused to let me help him. So we talked for a minute, I told a joke, and made him smile. He still refused my help, so I put a flower in his bag, wished him lots of health, and watched him walk slowly away...
2nd thought of the day: why are we so stubborn to accept help from others when we really need it? There are people out there who are willing to give us a hand, why would we turn it down?

It's still the thirteenth, a Friday, and I'm chilling at home, trying to ponder on the lessons I learned today:
1. Bad things don't happen because of a date
2. Try to do things that don't need the use of computers at all, it's a way of freeing yourself from the rush and chains of the world
3. Don't be stubborn when people try to help might even have a good time



  1. Nice of you to hand out flowers.Such a good girl! :D Nice of you to buy the flowers. LOL I enjoy reading your blog


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