Rainy day, fliers => a date :D

Today was a long day, but surely not a bore day!

I had a pretty usual day at work, talking to people, and having fun with customers and coworkers. By 2 pm, I was getting more and more excited to go home, sleep, and cook something good. Then, one of the girls working there, asked me if I knew anyone willing to hand out fliers for two hours in the afternoon... I thought for a second, maybe Simona, but she wasn't feeling well... or Emi, but she was at school... who else would go on such a short notice, and in the cold, freezing rain?... then it hit me! I could do it! So at three, when clocked out, she handed me 1,000 fliers, and I took off to go conquer the world!

Handing out fliers reminded me of my mission, where I handed out soooo many fliers! But for some reason, this time, I did not feel awkward at all! I kept smiling at people, saying hello, and I loved watching their reactions. Some would stop and stare, others would reply and walk away with a smile on, yet there were still some who would frown, and walk way quickly.

I kept walking in the freezing cold and rain,and I was almost ready to go home, when a guy stopped me, and asked me to let him help me. I thought he was just messing with me, so I handed him a stack, hoping he would give up. To my surprise, he started handing them out, full of enthusiasm, smiling and talking to everyone. So we started talking, and we kept walking around downtown. His name is Dani, and he's a nice guy. So he offered to go somewhere, and have dinner. We kept on talking and talking, and passed a least five restaurants we could have eaten at. He wanted to keep going, but I was frozen, and ready to call it a day. So I convinced him to go to a pizza place. He was a sneaky guy!
He tried to hold my hand before we got to the pizza place with the pretense of warming me up... I pulled my hand away, and started handing out even more fliers. He just smiled... First mistake! Then, at the restaurant, we talked about movies, what we like watching and not, then he pulled out his phone, and showed me pictures... the first ones were religious, and some pretty landscapes... I was down with that. Then, he showed me his favorites - pictures of naked women, and people having sex!!! WHAT WAS HE THINKING??? I looked at him, and told him to turn it off... he was confused, ten he gave me a history of his sexual life!!!! WHAT WAS HE THINKING???? I had thought he was a really nice guy, till that point! Ok , he still had a lot o qualities, but he had to blow it up! We had pizza, laughed, then he told me he would like to go out with me again the next day because he thought I was a really good person... My brain was screaming "NOOOO", but instead of telling him no, I asked for his phone number, and told him I would call him the next day, after I knew my schedule. He got so excited, poor guy! He offered to walk me home, but I refused, making up an excuse about me going to work to meet with someone. It worked!

So I walked home, happy to get into my warm bed, drink some hot chocolate, and enjoy a peaceful evening. Tomorrow is a new day of fliers, and a day off from OMV :D

That's my short story. Have a nice day :D


  1. you are really crazy. haha. I like your blog. Nice and interesting life.


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