A funny compliment :)

Yesterday I had a lot of things to stress me out, to make me not wanna go to work, so I went to Kaufland before starting my shift, and thought of some goodies to make the day more bearable. I bought a huge bottle of Pepsi Twist,two packs of Skittles, and dark chocolate. I was standing in line, looking at the stand next to the register (which I actually hate because it tempts you to buy more stuff while waiting in line), when I saw Cristi's favorite chocolate bar (Cristi is the guy at work that I want to go to the movies with) so I threw that in my basket.
I got to work, got drunk on Pepsi, and acted all happy, but I noticed that Cristi as awfully quiet. He isn't quiet unless he is sad. So I pulled the chocolate bar out of my pocket, and handed it to him. I didn't say anything. He looked at me with a puzzled look, thinking I was just messing with him. He asked me if I really bought it especially for him. I tried not to make it awkward, so I said yes, started joking about other stuff... He kept gazing at me, making me feel more and more uncomfortable, then he said the funniest thing, the funniest compliment I have gotten so far - "Eni, you are... you are... you are more than perfect!" How can something/someone be more than perfect? Ok, so I guess I'm a unique weirdo that makes people laugh :)) ... that must be "more than perfect"


  1. Imi place Poiana cu arahide daca te intrebai. LOL Esti haioasa si dragutza. :D

  2. nseamna ca avem ceva mai mult in comun decat numele :))


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