
Showing posts from March, 2010

A constant complainer...

I woke up this morning, and I had a thought: "O, I'm going home soon! I don't want to!"... yesterday, my stomach hurt, and all I did was complain.... I realised today that I complain a little too much. I think it's a sign of selfishness and trying to do what I want, and not what the Lord wants me to do... it's kind of like saying "My will be done, not Thine". OUCH! Why is it that I forget to be grateful? Why is it that I complain instead of looking for those who need more support than I do? I found in my collection of poems one that humbled me, that reminded me how I need to be. I guess I knew once what it means to not complain, to say "Thy will be done, not mine". It's called WHEN:               When all around you falls apart                  and nothing seems to work,                 don't sit in sorrow and in pain,         ...

Another poem

I couldn't decide which poem to post next, but I just had a moment of inspiration! Actually, I had an idea come to me today as I read in the news about President Obama, his actions and his image in the world. I don't know if I got it right, you will have to correct me if I'm wrong. So here is the link to the article that I read:;_ylt=AnFXAgtcCUGyEC5daQBTbuwDW7oF;_ylu=X3oDMTMydHNyNHMyBGFzc2V0A2FmcC8yMDEwMDMyNi91c3BvbGl0aWNzcnVzc2lhbnVjbGVhcm9iYW1hBHBvcwM0BHNlYwN5bl9hcnRpY2xlX3N1bW1hcnlfbGlzdARzbGsDdHdvYmlnd2luc2Fw My main impression was that they were saying it's not the image one has in the world that matters, but the actions one takes. President Obama comes across as the first black president of the US, who can talk in public, who won the Nobel Prize for Peace, but the image is not enough when it comes down to solving problems. He has to show through his actions and decisions what he is really made of. From this ...

Crazy about photography :D

Sad story! I came back from Moab, took the card out of my camera, downloaded the pictures, and now I can't find my camera!!! It must be buried in my pile in my room... maybe it's a sign to reorganize my stuff... hmmmm... Anyway, this is such a big tragedy because I am crazy about taking pictures! Here are some of my favorite shots. I took this up in the mountains. It was a beautiful sunset, and there was a lot of snow to make the scenery very peaceful and still. There is Spencer with his big camera! I need to get one of those! There is the remaining part of the bowl that I tried to make the dough for cozonac. It was a great learning experience... who knew that "broil" on the oven setting means "THE HOTTEST"??? But the bird appreciated the dough, or what was left of it. That bird hates me, so It was great to get an A from it for my efforts. Ok, in the end, we still had a good cozonac come out of it! We went to Utah lake one afternoon. The lake was comple...

The Message of Easter

I had no idea which one to start with, so I decided that since Easter is coming up, I could post what I wrote a while ago. I wanted it to be a poem when I started writing, but as I was thinking about what Easter meant for me, I had to change it into a short writing, I don't know what this would be called in English... I'll google it later. I hope you enjoy reading this, as i enjoy it every time I read it. Let me know what you think, or mistakes I made that need corrections. ENJOY! :D THE MESSAGE OF EASTER In the quiet of the night it seems like everyone's inside, the time to sleep has already come and it feels like everything is numb. But in a garden someone is still awake when everyone is long asleep, and on his knees he starts to pray. He is alone - his friends have all given into the deep sleep. As he begins to pray, a heavy burden on his shoulders is being laid; through his skin, drops of blood start to fall like rain, his whole body is overtaken by pain; but still, he ...

A crazy idea

Hello, guys!!! I just realized that I am not too good to keep this blog up-to-date, but I do want to keep it interesting. HHHmmm.... how can I do that? I love to write, and I wondered a lot of times why I even do it. Who will benefit from my writings? Maybe I can make some people laugh, or others cry, or others yawn because of boredom!!! I realized that my writings will have some kind of effect on every person, and it makes me very curious... what would people think reading what I wrote..." O, another one who thinks she's got talent!"..."O, she is sooo sweet"... "There she goes again bragging"... "exactly what I needed to hear!"... So here is what I decided: I will post my poems here, and you get to write what you think! I am too curious, I know! Please, feel free to write whatever you want... ok, avoid dirty words, in any language! Thank you, and i can't wait to hear what you think! :D

Lessons I should learn... :)

So here I am in the USofA, having some amazing experiences. I am not doing almost any of the things I thought i would be doing... my plans failed, but you know what I have learned? That God knows better the experiences I need to grow and become a better person, if I choose to learn from my experiences. I have been going to the temple at least once a week since I got here, and it was a special experience every single time. But what I love about it is that every time I go, I get to feel how much I have grown since the last time I went. I remember the first time I went, how insecure and inadequate I felt in there... I felt that I had some things to change to be able to feel fully at peace with myself, but mostly with God. I have been working on those things! They weren't big, abominable things, they were things I didn't see as very important before, but going to the temple has taught me that most of the times, it is those little things that keep us from being close to our Heavenl...

FIRST...S :)

I was writing in my journal last night - yes, surprisingly, I do have a journal :) - and I realized that since I've been here, I have done a lot of FIRSTs, some were fun, some left me with a bad taste... literally. Here's a list of some of my firsts: 1. I made my first cozonac... it was fun, a true adventure, with melted bowl, running dough, and a crazy bird loving the cake 2. I went to a hockey game - it was a lot of fun, even though I had no idea what was going on sometimes... there was no fighting or pushing, the players had to play clean 3. I had shrimp at Olive Garden... didn't like it at all!!! It was just a reminder that I don't like seafood 4. I had my first doughnuts at FHE, which gave me a sugar rush - no doughnuts for me!!! 5. My first time doing some yard work... how do I use the rake??? Help!!! 6. I went to my first piano concert... it was a duet concert at the Wilkinson Center! AMAZING! These were some of my firsts... I bet there have be...