The Message of Easter

I had no idea which one to start with, so I decided that since Easter is coming up, I could post what I wrote a while ago. I wanted it to be a poem when I started writing, but as I was thinking about what Easter meant for me, I had to change it into a short writing, I don't know what this would be called in English... I'll google it later. I hope you enjoy reading this, as i enjoy it every time I read it. Let me know what you think, or mistakes I made that need corrections. ENJOY! :D


In the quiet of the night it seems like everyone's inside, the time to sleep has already come and it feels like everything is numb.
But in a garden someone is still awake when everyone is long asleep, and on his knees he starts to pray.
He is alone - his friends have all given into the deep sleep.
As he begins to pray, a heavy burden on his shoulders is being laid; through his skin, drops of blood start to fall like rain, his whole body is overtaken by pain; but still, he prays: he knows there is no other way, the wickedness of people has to be erased.
None but he can bear it, none but he can understand it, none but he can lift it. The pain is so big that he is tempted to give in, to say that work is not for him, but he is strong and he can win with the strength from God that is in him.
A long and tough battle he has given to take upon him all the sins of the people, and so the chance for all is given to gain eternal life.
After the burden of sins is laid on his shoulders, it seems like people become more wicked. Arrested, he is taken and beaten, spit on and hated.
Alone he is - his friends all gone, but still he stands tall and he goes on.
His work is not yet done, his sufferings not yet through.
He - the one without blame - is being punished for all the sins of men.
With his body torn of heavy stripes, with the burden of our sins, he keeps on going.
A long road to a mount - the mount of death - he has to follow. Up there, a tree is waiting for him - the tree he will be nailed to.
He is alone, but still he goes on. Beaten by soldiers, mocked by people, hated by God's children, the temptation to give up is even bigger. Assurance from above he is given, and with it the strength to keep marching toward death.
Up on the mount is the end of his road, where his hands and feet are taken and pierced to set him on a cross, just like the robbers. With the load of sins on his shoulders, with the nails set in his hands and feet, his work here is over: the price fully paid, the penalty has been erased.
People think this is the end: their leader, hope, and friend has striven, but now he's dead. They set him in the grave and each goes on his way.
His spirit is ascended to Paradise, his work is there continued. He is there to teach the spirits of the dead, to bring the gospel full of faith, to help them all find the way that leads to joy and eternal life.
Some listen, some ignore him, but many do try to follow him, for he is the way to life.
He is the light that shines in the dark, he is the one who shows the path, he is the rock that builds all up, he is the water ever running, the bread that's always feeding.
He finishes his work among the spirits and then he fulfills what is said in the scriptures: after three days, from the dead he is risen, and because of that immortality to all is freely given.
He now lives, even after all these years, and he is always near to guide our feet on the path that leads back to our Father in heaven.
He is the truth, he is the way, he is the life.


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