A crazy idea

Hello, guys!!!
I just realized that I am not too good to keep this blog up-to-date, but I do want to keep it interesting.
HHHmmm.... how can I do that?
I love to write, and I wondered a lot of times why I even do it. Who will benefit from my writings? Maybe I can make some people laugh, or others cry, or others yawn because of boredom!!! I realized that my writings will have some kind of effect on every person, and it makes me very curious... what would people think reading what I wrote..." O, another one who thinks she's got talent!"..."O, she is sooo sweet"... "There she goes again bragging"... "exactly what I needed to hear!"...
So here is what I decided: I will post my poems here, and you get to write what you think! I am too curious, I know! Please, feel free to write whatever you want... ok, avoid dirty words, in any language!
Thank you, and i can't wait to hear what you think! :D


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