FIRST...S :)

I was writing in my journal last night - yes, surprisingly, I do have a journal :) - and I realized that since I've been here, I have done a lot of FIRSTs, some were fun, some left me with a bad taste... literally. Here's a list of some of my firsts:
1. I made my first cozonac... it was fun, a true adventure, with melted bowl, running dough, and a crazy bird loving the cake
2. I went to a hockey game - it was a lot of fun, even though I had no idea what was going on sometimes... there was no fighting or pushing, the players had to play clean
3. I had shrimp at Olive Garden... didn't like it at all!!! It was just a reminder that I don't like seafood
4. I had my first doughnuts at FHE, which gave me a sugar rush - no doughnuts for me!!!
5. My first time doing some yard work... how do I use the rake??? Help!!!
6. I went to my first piano concert... it was a duet concert at the Wilkinson Center! AMAZING!

These were some of my firsts... I bet there have been a lot more, it's just late, and I can't remember them... and losing my memory is NOT a first :D
I'll add more to the list as I remember, or actually do some more firsts :D


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