Crazy about photography :D

Sad story! I came back from Moab, took the card out of my camera, downloaded the pictures, and now I can't find my camera!!! It must be buried in my pile in my room... maybe it's a sign to reorganize my stuff... hmmmm... Anyway, this is such a big tragedy because I am crazy about taking pictures! Here are some of my favorite shots.

I took this up in the mountains. It was a beautiful sunset, and there was a lot of snow to make the scenery very peaceful and still. There is Spencer with his big camera! I need to get one of those!
There is the remaining part of the bowl that I tried to make the dough for cozonac. It was a great learning experience... who knew that "broil" on the oven setting means "THE HOTTEST"??? But the bird appreciated the dough, or what was left of it. That bird hates me, so It was great to get an A from it for my efforts. Ok, in the end, we still had a good cozonac come out of it!
We went to Utah lake one afternoon. The lake was completely frozen! that is Kristi's car, calling for us with warmth and cozy seats as the sun is getting ready to set.



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