
Showing posts from November, 2010

Good news

Lately, being busy with work, and running everywhere to fix my problems (or my friends's), I haven't got the chance to get any good, encouraging news. All I've been hearing from coworkers and friends around here is divorces, domestic violence, and a lot of unhappiness. I started wondering what was wrong with the world today? The answer is easy - they don't have the gospel, or a strong testimony of the gospel coupled with righteous living. But I don't want to dwell on that. I started thinking of my future, of what lays ahead of me, and to be honest, I haven't got a clue. I know I want to start a family, but it is not very encouraging to do it when all I hear is divorce, suffering, and pain. It is not encouraging when I look around me, and I keep bumping into ignorant guys who have only one thing on their mind, and they don't refrain from letting me know about it. My point is, bad news coming at me from every side... Yesterday I headed out to the dentist, wh...

"Eni, in my office!"

Sunday was the worst day at work... I made many mistakes: I forgot to fill out the entire money transfer form, I cashed in a different car wash program, I cashed something in as VISA instead of cash... at the end of my shift, I was a wreck! The secretary kept calling me in the office every half hour (I was lucky to work only 6 hours). On Monday morning, I had my boss call me in the office, and show me all the mistakes, and I had to pay for some that couldn't get fixed on paper. I was so ashamed! I was so careful all day, not to mess up! I hate  making mistakes! I am very considerate, understanding, and supportive when others mess up, but when I do, I want to disappear, I am disappointed with myself. You can imagine how I felt when the secretary came, asking me to go see my boss in the office. In my head, I went through the whole day, trying to figure out what I had done wrong, but nothing came to mind. That would make anyone feel at peace, but it made me feel worse... what had I ...

Tiering, but fun :)

I wasn't excited about working at OMV again, but I was glad I would end up working with my friends. I am on the same shift with the two slowest workers (and they take a lot of breaks!), which is tiering. I work 13 hour shifts, and at the end of the day I am barely walking. Do you know what makes me smile about this job? 1. Working on the computer (money transfers, work with the database to issue invoices, work with this cool technology gadget to emit vignetes...) 2. Friends to joke with to make time go faster 3. Customers who leave smiling 4. Customers who recognize me on the street, smile big and greet me 5. The tips I get at the end of the day 6. Schedule: 2 days work, 2 days off 7. My boss trusting me enough to rehire me, after I left twice to chase my dreams Yes, I admit: this is not my dream job, but it's not a bad job in the end. I have 6 months now to figure out what I want to do in the future, where I want to go, where I will settle down (hopefully, if not, i...

Spring is in the air :)

Who would have thought that November can be such a pleasant month? Yes, there are a lot of cool celebrations, like commemorating the dead (Ziua sfintilor) and Thanksgiving (for some) and two birthdays in my family, but when I think of November I think of rain, cold, maybe even snow. Not this year though! November 16th, and I am wearing a T-shirt, and a skirt, walking through the park. I always dreamed of a mild winter, and I will probably have one this year (hopefully). Here are some November pictures:


I am sure every single one of us stopped somebody to ask for directions, or was stopped to be asked for directions. Today I had the chance to hear my coworker give directions. I forgot how fun it is to listen to him! His way of getting from Kaufland to Billa: Step 1. Turn left and drive straight Step 2. Do you know the big, white, Orthodox cathedral at the round-about? You don't turn there, keep driving straight Step 3. Do you know the bridge that goes over the train tracks? The one that goes to Micalaca? You don't go over it, just drive straight Step 4. Do you know the big baptist church on the right, after the bridge? You don't turn there, keep driving straight Step 5. Do you know train tracks bridge that you go under to get to Micalaca? that's on your left, Bila is on your right YAY!!! You got there!!! Our explanation: You turn left here, and drive straight for about 3 km, don't mind any intersections or stop lights, Bila will be on your right. It's...

"Be Good to Yourself"

Tonight was a Journey night... a good mood night. I came across this song - "Be Good to Yourself", and it got me thinking about the choices I have made this week. I decided in March to fight for myself, for the future I want for myself. why did I have to decide that? Partly because most of my decisions had been made starting from the thought of helping my family, sacrificing everything to helping them. Those were the right decisions at that time, and I am so grateful I got to make them. But as time passed, my priorities and needs changed, so I had to learn to start deciding for helping myself build a better future. It hasn't been easy, I had to find motivation to do it, and I still haven't been very motivated. I swear is so much easier to fight for someone else than for myself! But I thought I was doing just fine... until tonight, while listening to this song. I decided to move out from the place I live in now, and move in with a coworker who's a good friend ...

Another "Why?"

This why is more of a learning experience, one that changed at least the next six months of my life, and my view on life. I know a lot of you got so tired of hearing about me "still looking for a job", "no job", or other form of complaint. I had many people tell me to go back to OMV, but I didn't feel like it. Ex-coworkers, my mom, some friends... all telling me that a job at the gas station was better than no job at all, especially since winter is close, and it's expensive to make it through it. I kept praying for a job, to know where I could find something, and yet no answer. Three weeks ago I had an interview at a factory, but the work-salary ratio was ridiculous, so I told them I would only go work there if they had a job in the office, on the computer. They told me they would call me back. Two days later, they called me to go back to an interview, but for the same position, so I turned them down. I kept praying for guidance, all the answers from my ...


I started work yesterday. I work at the same gas station again, and it feels like I never left. The position I am in now is better, it pays an extra 60$ a month, and I don't work nights and holidays. I was so comfortable working on the computer again, doing money transfers, and doing a lot of small talk with customers. One of the customers was this 23 year old cute guy. I talked to him just like with any other customer. He seemed nice, even though he was very evasive with his answers. I liked his smile, his eyes, and he seemed like fun so when he asked for my number, I wrote it down for him. Why did I do that, since I had a bad experience with giving my number to customers? I guess we all have our crazy moments.  I told him I would go out with him sometime, but nothing serious. Today, the kid (he's 23) called me! He was very weird on the phone. First, he asked me when he could come over to my house - my answer was, is, and will be NO COMING TO MY HOUSE (not on the first c...

Emy's 18th Birthday :D

Because we like to celebrate, to rejoice with those we love, we prepared an amazing surprise party for Emy. She turned 18 yesterday, and we wanted to welcome her into the "grown-up"'s group. She was the cutest  happy 18 year old, after we made her jump and scared her well as she entered the room. Here are some pictures from her party:

Rainy days...

I had no idea what to name this post. I haven't written in a while, so I have some catching up to do. First, I'm still unemployed... I am probably picky (I will not go and work in a factory, assembling stuff, for only 200$ a month... I can do better than that...not money-wise, but work-wise). I guess I need to figure out what I want to do with my life before I get a job. I could go back to OMV any time, but it's not what I want for my future. The search continues :D ... running out of money fast :)) Second, we had an awesome YSA Study Convention in Arad, with the young single adults from Arad, Cluj, Oradea, and some branches from Hungary. It was an amazing experience, and it was the first time I met the youth from Hungary (except for Elder Vekony, who is currently serving in Romania). We had two special guests, Elder Schutze and Elder Fingerle, from the area Seventies. The theme of the convention was sanctification. We talked about escaping from sin to save our lives/etern...