Good news

Lately, being busy with work, and running everywhere to fix my problems (or my friends's), I haven't got the chance to get any good, encouraging news. All I've been hearing from coworkers and friends around here is divorces, domestic violence, and a lot of unhappiness. I started wondering what was wrong with the world today? The answer is easy - they don't have the gospel, or a strong testimony of the gospel coupled with righteous living. But I don't want to dwell on that.
I started thinking of my future, of what lays ahead of me, and to be honest, I haven't got a clue. I know I want to start a family, but it is not very encouraging to do it when all I hear is divorce, suffering, and pain. It is not encouraging when I look around me, and I keep bumping into ignorant guys who have only one thing on their mind, and they don't refrain from letting me know about it. My point is, bad news coming at me from every side...
Yesterday I headed out to the dentist, when I saw a purple envelope in the mailbox. I didn't recognize the sender, and it was very thin. Weird! Well, that thin, purple envelope carried the good news I needed to hear: a wedding invitation! Two friends of mine from Orem are getting married! Yes, it is good news! In spite of all these crazy things going around int he world, there are still people who believe in marriage, in eternal families, in love and devotion, in commitment, and in the joy that comes from making this sacred covenant.
Around these times (Thanksgiving) we should all count our blessings - even if it's something small like a wedding invitation, or someone who remembered us and left a note, or just the sun shining through the clouds.
Indeed, even when the world lets you think there is no hope, there is still good news!
There is still hope left, there is still a lot of good left in this world. We should all slow down our crazy lives and step back. Look at the good in others, seek the best in the world - it still has a lot to offer. Hope, believe, don't give up! And when you feel like there is nothing left for you, just turn to the One who has all the answers: Christ. we have His gospel, His teachings, His love.


  1. Am crezut ca vestea e casatoria ta. LOL E trist ca in zilele noastre casatoria nu mai e asa de importanta si chiar si in biserica sunt multi care renunta si nu lupta pentru relatia lor.

  2. acea veste va fi langa fericita :)) intr-adevar e trist... mai bine singura decat lupt sa gasesc pe cineva pentru care merita sa risc sa fiu ranita :D


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