"Be Good to Yourself"

Tonight was a Journey night... a good mood night. I came across this song - "Be Good to Yourself", and it got me thinking about the choices I have made this week. I decided in March to fight for myself, for the future I want for myself. why did I have to decide that? Partly because most of my decisions had been made starting from the thought of helping my family, sacrificing everything to helping them. Those were the right decisions at that time, and I am so grateful I got to make them. But as time passed, my priorities and needs changed, so I had to learn to start deciding for helping myself build a better future. It hasn't been easy, I had to find motivation to do it, and I still haven't been very motivated. I swear is so much easier to fight for someone else than for myself! But I thought I was doing just fine... until tonight, while listening to this song.
I decided to move out from the place I live in now, and move in with a coworker who's a good friend of mine. It is twice as expensive, and all my money would be spent on paying for rent, utilities, and food. To be honest, I asked myself after doing the math:"What was I thinking?" Well, I know what I was thinking. I was thinking" my friend is divorcing and moving out, she need someone to help her." But I didn't ask myself "who will be taking care of me?". I have dreams, I have hope that I will find a better job, but I also know that Arad is not my place. How can I leave Arad with no savings, not a dime in my pocket? And how can I save money when I spend it all on rent?
I need to be good to myself. I need to put my dreams and expectations before others. There are ways I can help my friend without moving and spending more money. Support can come through spending time together, listening to her, cook for her, clean for her. This is her battle, not mine. I can be the bandage on the wound, but not a soldier next to her.
We all need to be good to ourselves, we need to take the time to slow down, leave the world behind, and see out bright future, then go for it. We don't have to leave everyone behind us, and become self-absorbed, selfish, but we do need to take care of ourselves. We all need to find a balance in our lives, because we are not islands, and we cannot make it on our own. But on the other hand, we cannot fight everyone else's battles.
So decide now to be good to yourself :)

PS: here are the lyrics to the song:

Be Good to Yourself


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