
I am sure every single one of us stopped somebody to ask for directions, or was stopped to be asked for directions.
Today I had the chance to hear my coworker give directions. I forgot how fun it is to listen to him!
His way of getting from Kaufland to Billa:
Step 1. Turn left and drive straight
Step 2. Do you know the big, white, Orthodox cathedral at the round-about? You don't turn there, keep driving straight
Step 3. Do you know the bridge that goes over the train tracks? The one that goes to Micalaca? You don't go over it, just drive straight
Step 4. Do you know the big baptist church on the right, after the bridge? You don't turn there, keep driving straight
Step 5. Do you know train tracks bridge that you go under to get to Micalaca? that's on your left, Bila is on your right
YAY!!! You got there!!!
Our explanation:
You turn left here, and drive straight for about 3 km, don't mind any intersections or stop lights, Bila will be on your right. It's big, you can't miss it.

Why do we like to make simple things complicated?


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