Rainy days...

I had no idea what to name this post. I haven't written in a while, so I have some catching up to do. First, I'm still unemployed... I am probably picky (I will not go and work in a factory, assembling stuff, for only 200$ a month... I can do better than that...not money-wise, but work-wise). I guess I need to figure out what I want to do with my life before I get a job. I could go back to OMV any time, but it's not what I want for my future. The search continues :D ... running out of money fast :))
Second, we had an awesome YSA Study Convention in Arad, with the young single adults from Arad, Cluj, Oradea, and some branches from Hungary. It was an amazing experience, and it was the first time I met the youth from Hungary (except for Elder Vekony, who is currently serving in Romania). We had two special guests, Elder Schutze and Elder Fingerle, from the area Seventies. The theme of the convention was sanctification. We talked about escaping from sin to save our lives/eternal lives, about staying worthy to receive revelation, about recognizing God's answers, and how we can do missionary work. we had workshops where we developed on these topics. we talked about obtaining hope, and staying happy.
It was also great to be with so many young members of the church, to share our testimonies, and make new friends. I have to admit that I was VERY intimidated by the Hungarians. I had a hard time speaking Hungarian this weekend (maybe because I was also speaking English and Romanian at the same time, depending on who I was talking to). We had a fun dance night, where I danced like crazy! I had so much fun, and I can't wait for the next party :D
This morning I opened the scriptures, and picked a random chapter in the Book of Mormon - Alma 49. It turned out to be an awesome chapter, about the Nephites who rebuilt their fortress after being destroyed by the Lamanites. They were defeated the first time because they weren't keeping God's commandments, losing His blessings and protection, being left on their own. The cool part in this chapter is that the Nephites had repented, and become a faithful people, thus being entitled to God's revelation and help again. They received guidance in how to rebuild the city. They became stronger than before. It made me think about true repentance and sanctification. when we leave our weaknesses and sins behind, and we rely on the Lord for guidance, turning our hearts to Him, and accepting His will, Satan can come to battle us, but he won't be able to defeat us. we will stand strong!
Anyway, here are some pictures I took... I was too busy having fun, so there's not a lot of them :D


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