
I started work yesterday. I work at the same gas station again, and it feels like I never left. The position I am in now is better, it pays an extra 60$ a month, and I don't work nights and holidays.
I was so comfortable working on the computer again, doing money transfers, and doing a lot of small talk with customers.
One of the customers was this 23 year old cute guy. I talked to him just like with any other customer. He seemed nice, even though he was very evasive with his answers. I liked his smile, his eyes, and he seemed like fun so when he asked for my number, I wrote it down for him.
Why did I do that, since I had a bad experience with giving my number to customers? I guess we all have our crazy moments.
 I told him I would go out with him sometime, but nothing serious.
Today, the kid (he's 23) called me! He was very weird on the phone. First, he asked me when he could come over to my house - my answer was, is, and will be NO COMING TO MY HOUSE (not on the first couple of dates). He goes on to tell me that he never got to be with a Hungarian girl. By now, all the alarms in my head go off... Did he really say that? I knew I had to get rid of him, and I had just the remedy for it.
1. I told him I would be a disappointment for him since I was only half Hungarian, and even my dad was born and raised in Romania (I still feel Hungarian just as much as Romanian, but he doesn't need to know that)
2. I pulled out on him the V-card, and told him straight that I haven't slept with anyone, and would not sleep with anyone until I get married. I could tell he was disappointed, and it was so hard to abstain from laughing. I went on telling him I don't drink, smoke swear, and I also go to church every Sunday.
Why is it so hard to imagine that someone can live this way?
The conclusion is, I had a great self discovery time while talking to this guy on the phone. I told him that I knew what I wanted from a relationship, that I knew what I wanted from my future, and it did not coincide with his plans. I told him I had no problem to set the limits and sticking to them, that I know to say "NO". It felt good to say it to someone, not just thinking about it. It felt good to stand up for what I believed. I felt in control of my life, of my dreams, and it made me happy.
I can ask myself "Why did this have to happen?", but in the end I am grateful for this experience, for the chance to know and feel once again that I am in control of my life, that whatever happens is because I let it happen, and I cannot blame anyone for my failures but myself, and also that I can thank myself for my success also.
Every "Why?" has an answer, it comes sooner or later. Are we ready for the answers? I wasn't ready, or so I thought...
...another "Why" story on its way :)


  1. I am so glad you don't have to work nights or holidays anymore! Sorry about the 23 year old "kid." that's annoying.


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