Another "Why?"

This why is more of a learning experience, one that changed at least the next six months of my life, and my view on life.
I know a lot of you got so tired of hearing about me "still looking for a job", "no job", or other form of complaint.
I had many people tell me to go back to OMV, but I didn't feel like it. Ex-coworkers, my mom, some friends... all telling me that a job at the gas station was better than no job at all, especially since winter is close, and it's expensive to make it through it. I kept praying for a job, to know where I could find something, and yet no answer.
Three weeks ago I had an interview at a factory, but the work-salary ratio was ridiculous, so I told them I would only go work there if they had a job in the office, on the computer. They told me they would call me back. Two days later, they called me to go back to an interview, but for the same position, so I turned them down.
I kept praying for guidance, all the answers from my applications went along the line of "we are sorry, but you do not have work experience, we can't hire you". I couldn't find my way. So I prayed about going back to OMV, and it felt like the wrong decision.  I was determined not to go back there.
I kept teaching English, but that wasn't enough to support myself . I got to the point where my wallet was empty. I had to translate something for my former boss, so I stopped by again. In the office, they were busy looking over resumes, and they could not find anyone for the PC Operator position. Jokingly (but inside very serious) I handed them my resume (I kept a couple of them with me all the time, just in case...). I was 100% sure they would not call me, especially after leaving the company twice. Yet, I was hungry, desperate, and hopeless. Guess what? The next day I get a phone call from them. They asked me to go back. I was reluctant, and they could tell, so they offered me a bigger pay (60$ extra a month) and no more night shifts. I said yes, and yesterday was my first day back at the gas station. It wasn't all that bad. I also signed a 6 month contract, thinking to myself that 6 months go by fast, right?
I got home last night, tired, but feeling good about myself, having a job and all. So I wondered why I had that feeling telling me not to go there. well, today I got my answer. This afternoon I got a call from the factory I had an interview at 3 weeks ago. They called to see if I was interested in a junior IT Specialist position. I was shocked! I had to say no :((
I know I should have been patient, and  not take the job at OMV. When God speaks, I should listen. Why am I so faithless, so stubborn, so proud? It's too late for regrets, they cannot change the situation. There is no one to blame but myself, not the circumstances, not my friends, only myself. who knows what amazing things laid before me? I am sure I will enjoy working at the gas station, that I will make it fun, but it could have been more rewarding (knowledge wise, experience wise). All I can do now is make sure I will remember this lesson, that I will work on my humility, patience, faith and hope.
Let's see what these 6 months have in store for me!


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