"Eni, in my office!"

Sunday was the worst day at work... I made many mistakes: I forgot to fill out the entire money transfer form, I cashed in a different car wash program, I cashed something in as VISA instead of cash... at the end of my shift, I was a wreck! The secretary kept calling me in the office every half hour (I was lucky to work only 6 hours).
On Monday morning, I had my boss call me in the office, and show me all the mistakes, and I had to pay for some that couldn't get fixed on paper. I was so ashamed! I was so careful all day, not to mess up! I hate  making mistakes! I am very considerate, understanding, and supportive when others mess up, but when I do, I want to disappear, I am disappointed with myself.
You can imagine how I felt when the secretary came, asking me to go see my boss in the office. In my head, I went through the whole day, trying to figure out what I had done wrong, but nothing came to mind. That would make anyone feel at peace, but it made me feel worse... what had I omitted?
I took a deep breath, and walked in the office. My boss asked me to sit down. That doesn't sound good! I thought to myself "This must be one big mistake!". I sat down, and my boss threw her laptop at me. she was so worried! I was confused, but quickly I realized that I hadn't done anything wrong, but I was the only one good with computers. I was relieved! She was having troubles connecting to the server, which was piece of cake: disconnect from the internet, and reconnect. It worked perfectly!
 My boss was happy, but I was even happier, because I had the chance to use my skills. It was the perfect moment of the day: sitting down to fix something on a computer.
I hope I get more of these "Eni, in my offcie!" moments :D


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