A bit of craziness from time to time is healthy

I have a second job - intermediary between companies that sell grains in Hungary and companies that buy them in Romania. It is very hard because I do not know business words in Hungarian, I don't know how to find the companies there and contact them... yes, I did accept a job that requires a lot on my part.
My reaction to my first day on my own? FREAKED OUT!!! I wanted to quit - after seeing some of the sites and not understanding what they were posting there, i was ready to tell the boss to find someone else. I called him determined to put the end to it. What happened in that conversation? With his enthusiasm and confidence, he convinced me that i could do this, that I can learn all that is necessary, and that I would prosper in this.

What am I doing now? Trying to learn the language, but it's not easy doing it on my own. This weekend, while surfing the web, feeling more and more desperate, I had a thought come into my mind: I have someone I trust to let him see my weaknesses, and  let him help me. He is Hungarian, and he believes in me a lot. Unfortunately, he is not in Arad, but he is Hungarian... He is actually a missionary from Hungary serving in Romania, more specifically in Deva.

Last night, before going to work, I made the decision to go visit him, and get his help. That would mean get out from work, run straight to the train station, and have a busy day in Deva. Piece of cake! So here I am, in Deva, sitting in a warm room, waiting for the Elders to finish writing their emails. I am ready to sleep, but it's not the time yet.

What did we do today? We hiked up the hill to the fortress in the snow, while snowing ... fun!! It was better than I expected, not too cold, and lots of snow fights on the way :D Then, we went to a Chinese restaurant and we had lunch... it reminded me a lot of the mission, district lunches on P-days were so much fun, and this one was a good one also. We met up with an investigator, and we went bowling, where the investigator (Andrei) and I got last place with an extraordinary score of 31 points! We then came to the Internet place, where I prepared a spiritual thought for FHE tonight, and now I am trying to stay awake.

What about the help with my job? In 5 minutes, Elder Vekony was able to find me a list of 200+ companies that sell grains in Hungary. Mission accomplished!

I had one of the best days this year, filled with fun and snow (which surprisingly made me smile), and  I also made huge progress with my job. What more could I wish for?

So let us be crazy from time to time, and we will be surprised what life has in store for us. Go out there, and be crazy!!!


  1. What a fun day. It made me trunky for the mission too!

  2. I was surprised by how beautiful that city is! It was so much fun! Maybe you can come and visit soon :D


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