My miracle

I don't know how to put this into words... it might sound a bit ridiculous... here I go!

I got home from my mission almost two years ago. I went from being actively involved in teaching the gospel, amazing scripture studies, powerful spiritual experiences, to being a shadow in my branch, not getting that deep into my studies, rarely feeling the power of the Holy Ghost. It was my fault, not trying harder when I started work and school again. I kept going though, with ups and downs, but I was getting so tired, so worn out. I kept praying for strength, for friends to talk to about the gospel. I felt alone. I don't know what I expected God to do to help me. I looked for ways to change the situation: I went to Utah to be with those friends I served my mission with. While there, I made regular temple trips which helped me see the big picture. It was a great period in my life, when I learned more about finding balance in my busy life.
But that trip ended after 10 weeks, when I returned to Arad. I felt alone in the branch. I felt invisible. I had this vision of how things should run, but they weren't. I had a vision of what we could do, but no one would listen or get involved. Alone...again... discouraged... again... tired...again...
My prayers continued... and still no answer... or so I thought... until tonight.

God answered my prayer a while ago... in November... but I was so close to it that I did not realize it until tonight.

We had a fireside today. It was taught by Elder Howells (the senior Elder serving here), and it was an amazing one. Why was it amazing?
1. I was the interpreter(translator?)  :)))
2. It wasn't the regular "have faith, pray, read" fireside
3. He managed to get everyone present there involved - everyone answered questions!
4. He went from "what" to "how"

Every member present there came to understand on their own (Elder Howells did not point out the problems, just asked the right questions to help us see the problems). I could see everybody's faces...going from smile to frown to looking down to excitement. We ended up talking about CHANGE.
I didn't realize right away what happened. All I knew was that I wasn't the only one excited to DO something.

My miracle the senior couple serving in Arad.
1. Sora Howells managed to get the youth to come to FHE and Institute through teaching amazing lessons -  they started with 1 person in November and December (me), and got to 8 people this last Thursday
2. Elder Howells got the branch presidency excited about changing things - they will have a meeting tomorrow morning to talk about what can be done to help the branch grow
3. I have two wonderful people to meet with, and share my experiences with, to learn from them, to be strengthened by their example and love, to be completely myself around them: crazy,yet serious; hungry for knowledge; perfect, yet humble ;)

God answered my prayers, and I am truly happy. Mostly, I am grateful for opening my eyes tonight, and see His hand in blessing my life with these amazing people.

God is a God of miracles! Look for them, open your heart, your eyes, your mind, and you will be amazed by how many miracles God actually works in our lives.


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