Smoking kills...

... not only the body...

Here I am, at work, trying to have fun. And it is fun, I get to talk to's easy to talk to people when I am standing on the other side of the counter :))
anyway, I try to be nice to customers, and explain to them that they are not allowed to smoke inside (there are 10,00 signs saying that, but they still ask). We have lost a lot of customers because of that, which I think it's stupid. If they feel good here, then why stop?

There are those customers who feel so good here that they keep coming back. What about their smoking? Here is the part I don't get: they sit at the table, it's warm in here (21 degrees C), they drink their coffee or juice, eat, enjoying the music. All of a sudden, they are gone! Where did they go? I see them standing outside, in the freezing cold (-7 to -10 degrees C) smoking! They come in with purple fingers and lips, complaining about the cold. Why would they put themselves through that torture?

Second thing that completely throws me off. My boss told all of us that we are not allowed to smoke anywhere but in his  office. I am totally down with that! (since I don't smoke) But the girl I work with threw a fit, and freaked me out! She was stressed because she said she couldn't go without a cigarette for more than three hours. And she wasn't the only one...
I don't even want to talk about the whole "I'll get fat if I stop smoking!'... or the yellow teeth, the smoky breath...

Oh, and another thing: a pack of cigarettes costs the equivalent of 6 loaves of bread, or 5 litters of milk, or 4 kg of oranges, 8 kg of apples... you get my point? the girl i work with spends half of her paycheck on cigarettes.

I see the stress people who smoke live in - money, time, psychical and physical... does that really bring them joy? Where is the happiness in that? What do they look for when they smoke? Acceptance by a certain social group? are they trying to "look cool"? I don't know.

I don't want those who smoke to feel offended in any way, this is not an attack, just some of my thoughts on this matter. Smoking does kill your health, and you know it, but it also slowly kills the potential of enjoying a fullness of joy.

Seek for true joy, don't sell it away for cheap, momentary fun. And think about it - you will be left with a lot more money to enjoy doing the things you love, developing your talents, or travel... or spend it at the mall :)))


  1. Ai dreptate. Cand am venit in Romania ultima oara am fst uimita cand am ajuns in Franta. Oameni nu au voie sa fumeze in aeroport, doar intr-o cusca cam mica. Aeroportul nu era asa de inghesuit, dar abia mai era loc in cusca aia. Parca e asa la moda; si copii fumeaza si nimeni nu le zice nimic.


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