Hungary Impressions - Part II

I just got home from Institute. I love those lessons, they always make me want to become a better person. Sora Howells taught a very good lesson on The Plan Of Salvation. It gave me a lot of things to ponder upon. I was happy to have Andra there also because she always asks the right questions. But I was sad to see so many empty chairs.
To be honest, it wears you out a bit when you are the only one going to Institute, which leads me to my impression on the New Years party. It was great walking in their meetinghouse, and seeing their YSA Center panel filled with posters and announcements. It was even better seeing how many young adults get involved. It was a great feeling of belonging - belonging to something bigger than just the group in my branch, but to the worldwide YSA group. They have the same trials as we do. They have to make Institute a priority just like we do. and they have fun just like we do. They learn and grow in their faith just like we do over here.
Yes, we are small now, with one or two attending Institute, but we are not alone. If they can do it, then so can we. A good friend of mine said once about scripture study: "If you can stay on Facebook for 5 minutes a day, then you can also study the scriptures for at least the same time."  How much time do we spend on Facebook every week? I am sure it's more than an hour. Then we can definitely make an hour a week for Institute.
I attended institute there, and it was the same Spirit. We didn't learn something different than here, in Romania. There were more of us, for sure, but I realized that Institute and  the learning in that class depends on each of the student individually. We cannot blame the failure on the somebody else.
I loved being around so many young single adults, talk to them, get to know them, and learn of them. It helped me be even more determined to stay strong, to live worthy, and keep learning and growing in my faith.


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