Happy New Year - my trip to Hungary

LA MULTI ANI! Happy New Year! Boldog Uj Ev!

This is my first post this year, I'd better make it good!
I had the best New Year's Party. I am so glad I chose t do something a bit crazy this time - go to Szeged (Hungary).

 Why do I say "crazy"?
1. I went by myself
2. I thought I spoke Hungarian fairly well, but I wasn't ready for how fast they speak there, for how they tie their words together, and it feels like one sentence is one word
3. I get out of my comfort zone VERY seldom

I needed something crazy in my life, I needed to get away from the stress of work. I got at the point where I was too stressed, and I was feeling a bit down, not knowing what I was doing with my life. So I said "Yes" to the invitation of celebrating New Years in Szeged with many other YSA from Hungary.
I am dead tired now. Do I regret anything? No! Did I like it? No- I LOVED it.
One reason why I loved it is because I am getting a bit worn out of standing tall and strong in the gospel on my own. Meeting at the party with so many other YSA was like a breath of fresh air, strength to move forward. I am not saying that I was becoming inactive, but it was tiering.
My eyes are starting to close now (I got home from Hungary around 1 am, and at 8am I was standing behind the register at work... and ended my shift at 8:10 pm) so I will end here, with the promise and desire to write again soon to tell you about my experience in Hungary.

Take care, and find crazy things to do to keep your life fun and light :D


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