The perfect proposal

It was the morning of the 6th of December, in our room at the gorgeous Copthorne Hotel Gatwick . (we were staying there with his mum, sister, and 3 friends of theirs) The plan for that morning was breakfast at 9 o'clock with everyone, then Peter, Monika, Angelina and me would go visit London, which was 36 miles away. We previously decided to leave at 10. It was 8:30 am, and we were getting ready for breakfast. During the night, Saint Nick dropped some candies in Peter's shoes, but he skipped mine... maybe he decided we were sharing anyway. Peter, with a big smile on his face, went to talk to Monika, only to tell me 5 minutes later that we had to run to the Pharmacy to get some kind of cream or lotion. Since we had the smaller car and we were dressed, it made sense that we should be the ones going. Peter told me he had to go, then asked me if I wanted to go with him. This type of question always gets the same answer: yes. So, without even looking in the mirror, or without e...